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Labour management software for agencies

Workforce scheduling and automated timesheet collection.

Stay organised as your workforce grows

Replace your spreadsheets with our week-to-week scheduler that improves your operations:

  • Schedule workers onto contracts

  • Send site details to workers via WhatsApp

  • Manage holidays and track absences

  • Collect expenses from workers

  • Visualise upcoming labour requirements

Stay organised as your workforce grows

Replace your spreadsheets with our week-to-week scheduler that improves your operations:

  • Schedule workers onto contracts

  • Send site details to workers via WhatsApp

  • Manage holidays and track absences

  • Collect expenses from workers

  • Visualise upcoming labour requirements

A simple solution to timesheet collection

Our platform allows your workforce to upload their paper timesheets without any training. Once uploaded, the platform will automatically organise them for you within your scheduler.

You can also collect additional images and documents alongside your timesheets, e.g. expenses.

A simple solution to timesheet collection

Our platform allows your workforce to upload their paper timesheets without any training. Once uploaded, the platform will automatically organise them for you within your scheduler.

You can also collect additional images and documents alongside your timesheets, e.g. expenses.

Hire from 30,000+ construction workers

Instantly find competent blue-collar workers, close to your construction site. Each job channel shows the number of workers experienced within a particular role.




Affordable pricing

Our pricing is linked to the number of resources that you are managing on our platform, meaning we only make money if your business is successful and growing!




Schedule Up to 75 Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule up to 75 resources

Automated timesheet collection

Unlimited Users




Schedule Unlimited Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule unlimited resources

Automated timesheet collection

Unlimited Users




Schedule Up to 75 Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule up to 75 resources

Automated timesheet collection

Unlimited Users




Schedule Unlimited Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule unlimited resources

Automated timesheet collection

Unlimited Users




Schedule Up to 75 Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule up to 75 resources

Automated timesheet collection

Unlimited Users




Schedule Unlimited Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule unlimited resources

Automated timesheet collection

Unlimited Users




Schedule Up to 75 Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule up to 75 resources

Automated timesheet collection

Support via WhatsApp




Schedule Unlimited Resources

Free job postings

Cross-post jobs to Facebook & Telegram

Schedule unlimited resources

Automated timesheet collection

Support via WhatsApp

Additional Features

Additional Features

Additional Features

Streamline your operations

Streamline your operations

Increase efficiency and enhance your plant or labour supply.

Increase efficiency and enhance your plant or labour supply.

Communicate Schedule By WhatsApp

Automated sending of contract and site information to your workforce via WhatsApp.

Communicate Schedule By WhatsApp

Automated sending of contract and site information to your workforce via WhatsApp.

Communicate Schedule By WhatsApp

Automated sending of contract and site information to your workforce via WhatsApp.

Track Worker Holidays & Absences

View holidays and absences of your full-time and contract workers on the scheduler.

Track Worker Holidays & Absences

View holidays and absences of your full-time and contract workers on the scheduler.

Track Worker Holidays & Absences

View holidays and absences of your full-time and contract workers on the scheduler.


Collect expenses from your workers when they upload their weekly timesheets.


Collect expenses from your workers when they upload their weekly timesheets.


Collect expenses from your workers when they upload their weekly timesheets.

How does it work?

A few of the most common questions about why to use UpRate and how it works.

A few of the most common questions about why to use UpRate and how it works.

Why should I use UpRate over other products?

How does the automated timesheet collection work?

How does the WhatsApp communication work?

How does the platform collect asset photos and pre-start checks?

Why should I use UpRate over other products?

How does the automated timesheet collection work?

How does the WhatsApp communication work?

How does the platform collect asset photos and pre-start checks?

Why should I use UpRate over other products?

How does the automated timesheet collection work?

How does the WhatsApp communication work?

How does the platform collect asset photos and pre-start checks?

Get started for free today

Post jobs and manage workers for free, with no card details required.

Get started for free today

Post jobs and manage workers for free, with no card details required.

Get started for free today

Post jobs and manage workers for free, with no card details required.